Texel born and bred
It’s almost six years ago now since we, André Eelman and Judith van der Zee, took over Flora Juttersmuseum. We are both Texel born and bred and come from real beachcomber families. André: ‘My granddad was a beachcomber. He lived in De Koog, on the edge of the woods, so it was just a quick hop across the dunes and he was on the beach. When my dad was a young boy, he would always go beachcombing with his dad, and when I was little, I went beachcombing with my dad.’
We beachcombed along the shoreline
‘I got the beachcombing bug from my mum,’ says Judith. ‘When it was really windy and about to blow up a gale, my mum would say: Come on, let’s go down to the beach. We would beachcomb along the shoreline and take all kinds of things home, and just like that you are hooked.’
When Jan Uitgeest, the founder of the museum, decided to stop running the museum and put it up for sale, we jumped at the chance. We have turned it into a real family museum, where young and old can have a great time!
And when it’s really windy and stormy outside … you can find us on the beach, beachcombing away!
André & Judith